So I came across this article which I found kind of disturbing; it’s about doctors refusing to provide fertility treatment for obese women with a BMI over 35. And yes, this article is from Canada . Click here to read the article, go ahead, I’ll wait.
Now, when people talk about “obese women” most people probably get a certain picture in their head. You may be picturing something that resembles one of those pictures of a headless fat person we usually see attached to news stories like this. You know the ones that are close ups of fat women with their heads cut out of the shot, usually in an unflattering position and dressed really badly. Well let me give you a different picture.
That's me with a friend's brand new daughter. |
I am a healthy woman, as evidenced by my yearly check up a few months ago which showed that my blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and everything else are all in healthy ranges. I try to live a healthy lifestyle and eat variety of foods, and participate in enjoyable movement. I am reasonably active, doing yoga and pilates and walking on a regular basis. My friends might describe me as curvy or voluptuous, maybe even fat, but probably not morbidly obese. But with a BMI of 41, that’s exactly what I am. And if these rules are imposed throughout