Monday, 30 May 2011

Recent discovery

I have recently made a discovery that I thought I should share with everyone for safety and health reasons.  Listen carefully everyone, because this is shocking...Kraft Dinner mac and cheese, does in fact go bad.  That's right kids those blue boxes have an expiry date on them for a reason!  I discovered this recently when I really wanted mac and cheese and luckily there was one box in the pantry.  So after boiling the noodles and everything I dumped the cheese pouch into the pot and immediately noticed that the colour was off, instead of the normal flourescent orange the powder was more of a dark reddish colour.  I was so excited about my mac and cheese that I mixed it all up but the first bite was disgusting and I threw it all in the trash after realizing that it had expired 6 months ago.  So for those of you who think that stuff like Kraft Dinner can't go bad, be forwarned! And always check the expiry date for the safety of you and your family.  Now go make some KD for dinner becuase when it's good, it's oh so good! :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Thank you...

Dear Random girl walking down the street, thank you for rocking that white feathered headband in your hair. 

Dear Random girl rocking a cute black summer dress on a sunny day, thanks for reminding everyone that summer is on its way.

Dear Random guy in the grocery store parking lot, thanks for taking my cart back for me, and other random guy who held the door open for me when I was carrying in my groceries, thanks for letting me know that chivalry is indeed alive and well.

Thanks to the lady in the green car who waved my through the intresection even though it was your turn.

And thanks to my yoga instructor who always tells me that I'm doing a great job and encourages me to keep coming back to yoga and pilates.

Most importantly, to all my family and friends who have been there through the good, bad, and ugly, the thick (and not so) thin, thank you!

Just a few random shout outs to remind everyone that world if full of great people and things if you just look for them.